Coming Soon To A Newstand Near You

I'm very happy and excited to give you an early look at the cover to inagural issue of Other Than, art by my brother, Aaron Harn:

I really like it. It sort of jumps out and grabs you. All the type is temporary placeholder stuff, especially the logo, which reflects the original title. The new logo will be very similar, but of course say Other Than. I will include all the contributors in that little grid space on the back cover, once they're all set in stone, as is the style of many lit journals. This zine wouldn't be anything without the faith and contributions of very sweet and talented people. The plan right now is for the zine to debut in May -- I'll have a final cover before then.

Wrote 5 new pages in the novel tonight, which makes it a couple nights in a row, and it's the most consistent novel writing I've done in a while. 124 pages. I'm getting more comfortable with the story, though I still have no clue where it's headed. Though I know now the last line. Always cool to know that, even if it changes.

Film classics. By bunnies.


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