The View From The River

The artists group that has taken shape here in Waterloo now has a name, the Metro Arts Guild. A lot of exciting things have already come of it (including the 10th Anniversary Main St. Waterloo poster contest), and I imagine plenty more will as time goes on. Waterloo continues to enjoy its resurgency, which now includes more development downtown at the river. I'll continue to make the progress downtown part of the new focus of the blog.

Oh, brother.

Ben pays homage to John Lennon, which I failed to do the other day, despite my great, enduring affection for him. I was tickled pink when earlier this year I wrote Yoko Ono for permission to use lyrics from "Imagine" at the top of the Angel Book, and she agreed (or her lawyer did, for her). I'm going to frame the response letter here eventually.

Matt Hanneman, AKA Lisa's husband, AKA Luckiest Bad Word In The World, now has a blog. Check it out.


Benjamin said…
Sucks about that Pooh revamp, huh?

I'm a little undecided on it, but one word comes to mind: commodification.
Benjamin said…
Oh yeah, love the new title. :D
Darby said…
I did just as a gag, but I kind of like it, too. Should I leave it that way?

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