Year In Review
So was 2004 a good year? Well... I suppose personally it was fair to middling. It ends like it began (sickness) so in some way it's no different than any of the last few years. However, the best part for me was seeing my Irish buddies again in Chicago, and the happy news that a few of them are getting married.
I'm going to do a little year-end review of my own on the arts, just for fun.
The Boston Hearld does a little bit on the best comics of 2004. I agree wholeheartedly that Joss Whedon and his run on X-Men was the best thing to happen, though they left a lot out. Thanks to Whedonesque for the link, one of the best sources of all things Joss out there.
The best CD of the year was U2. 'Nuff said.
Movies... the thing about movies is that here in Waterloo, we get to see very few of the 'smaller' pictures. Of course we can have Spider Man 2 on four screens, but... they do try, I guess. So without having seen everything, here are my picks, in ...