People of Interest

No, not the FBI kind. Just some links to other people around the web that might interest you.

My good buddy Sugu is presently teaching English in Japan. We were once locked inside the Kodak Theater the day before the war in Iraq started and thwarted the massive security to get out and back to the car. Really.

My cousin Kim is a senior in high school and really is the sweetest person I know. We were never locked in anywhere, except maybe the mall one time.

My good friend Polly is going to grad school in NYC and will be a great writer someday. She has that southern twang in her voice that turns all us midwest boys to jello. I was never locked in anywhere with Polly, either, although I was locked out of my room once, and she overheard the Wrath of Darby.

Bookslut is the best literary blog out there. Required reading.

Books For Soldiers Just what it says. Send used books to our men and women in Iraq as well as our wounded in VA hospitals. Hear it from the troops direct.

Mmm... that's all for now.


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