Things Fall From The Sky All The Time

The future is impossible to see. That's what I think of, when I think of Kit Baldwin. Kit is the main character of my novel NAMELESS, which I won't detail here too much but has to do with superheroes. Kit becomes one, accidentally. The impetus for this story began in 2011, when I read this article about firefighters who refused to put out a house fire because the owner hadn't paid the bill for these services in his rural community. Seven years ago, that was shocking. in 2018, not so much. Kit began much earlier, way back in high school. She morphed and evolved and moved in and out of stories until she finally found her place in this one. Kit was right for Nameless because I wanted someone who didn’t fit into any of the worlds within the story. I wanted someone without power, but with a great sense of justice and decency. She finally manifested in this novel, but she didn't become real until today, when my friend and critique partner Alia Hess realized her in ink:...